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Writings and ideas
Just Writing
  • to regret something because you never did it is way worse than regretting something that you did
  • Ever wondered how the world is for someone else? Ever dared to put yourself in their shoes hmm?Perhaps you should, close your eyes, imagine the person, imagine the world trough that persons eyes. Really seeing the world around you with indifference and biasless is almost impossible, but it for sure might sharpen your way of reasoning.
  • Sometimes praising of authenticity is mediocricy in itself.
  • I think that the feeling of being unlovable is one of the worst feelings ever. This is nexst to the feeling of not belonging since those things are really the same thing.
  • Perhaps the feeling of loneliness really just comes from the need to belong, and well that means the solition if finding some place to belong or actually trying to see if you have your arms open. It used to baffle me when pepole said they were lonely but they still had friends around them. So now i see loneliness as some kind of hole in your chest and the sign of some unfulfillment. Self analysises and re-evaluations of goals might be to help, and to definetly not just filling the hole with shallow water that dries out.
  • When you read something you are at the hands of the writers perspective, but in real life there are countless other perspectives. The life of a agent is just as mysterious as the life of a baker.
  • I think we have been conditioned from shit around us to not really act upon our curiosity. Instead our brain gets dulled by all the junk around us, never truly reaching its full potential.

  • a thing i am a big time wonderer upon is to how to actually manage in this wide world ...
    there is to think, to learn, to exsperience- but perhaps most inportantly to lean to remember and to learn to learn i think is actually the most inportant...

    I think anyone that wants to perhaphs try to broaden their understanding of the world and deeepen their modes of thinking, is to write.. Write what? good question friend, i am working on that as well, and here is some of it.
      Here some helpful stuff 

    Substackis a huge and super cool space for writers and for pepole tiered of the owerwhelming social media
    Writing all kinds of writings is going to be a leap for me. In my Blog i write stuff, but here i am fooling around and testing out the magnificence of words
    As well id like to put down some ideas here