

dont you just love the sience of old stuff like fossils and rocks and plants? Writing this gave me a great idea  Wow: writing this gave me the greay idea of making like a page-picture-drawing story of paleontology

Basilosaurus: Wierdly enough, this long, snake-like whale has been on my mind for a while.. Super long snake-like body (hence de name) and rad teeth.
Girl in a jacket Girl in a jacket
Oviraptosaurus: This one existed troughout the cretatious period (last dino period basically i think) and got exstinct in the extinction that wiped out most non avian dinos (not-modern-birds,warm blooded,dense-boned).
its kinda funny when the Paentohologhists decades ago found the fossil of oviraptor nexst to a nest of eggs and thought they only ate eggs. Honestly the source are kinda of a bit wierd on that one wether its true or not, but still a cool, memorable thing!


Honestly my brain have a pretty big itch about history and it annoys me. I think i shall try to read more or learn more about this...
Ancient mesopotania
Long before even jesus was born there existed this HUGE warrior like-empire that named their cities after Gods and personified their city after their God. These were warriors, conqueros, and super tacticful i mean, they were some of the first to actually establish an empire. Their Strict form of rules and behaviors didnt make them much popular among the other empiers though, eventully the other empiers worked together to defeat the Great Assyria.
since these folks were so Good at conquring there even came up a term called "Assyrination". Very multicultural
Dear Bablon is even mentionded in the Bible a few times.. and actually assyria too- because Assyria conquered apparently Babylon for a short time and it was then the bible described babylon- Accused as a punishment from their lord. But of course, im just looking at some wacky website because i wanted my exsplaination to be so concrete, but eh f that. I have a feeling we all knew somethng about the Great Babylon even before history lesson. Also, i think Babylon is where the original "babel" story in the bible came up in- yuknow, the story about the pepole that tried to build
Now Persia was truly great, (not that hese empiers wasnt truly great either) but these were ahead of their time! they made the stone roads wich were to become the roads in rome, were considered the bad guys when really the greeks were, they even started with freedom of speech waaaay before we did. Cyrus was a interesting fella and Zorothrastianism came up too and inspiered all other religions(i think, dont take my word on it, its very debated),
Cleopatra: Been watching like one episode on some archaeology show, turns out archaeologhists are pretty close to trying to find her ancient tomb (yes i will reaearch to update). from the documentary; highly skilled in words (she manipulated Ceasar pretty well, when her brother was king he made a huge mistake of making Ceasar dislike him and cleopatra took advantage of it lol)and super bad sibling rivarly


Been currently struggeling with trying to do some sort of blogging stuff on here- like i wanna do some Jekyll stuff and it gotta hoast on github....

Here is some rad helpings for coding that im currently using and trying:


A while ago i did stargazing and was mesmerized by the big and cozy cosmos. So many stars, so many stuff.. I enjoy the feeling of feeling so small and yet so connected with everything grand. fun links:


I am facinated by the incredible thoughts and patterns of thinkings of others, i enjoy thought-breaking stuff and moments where i see stuff im a new light yuknow? But oh well, who knows, not like i care much anyways.. I gotta tell you though.. i got into a phase where i secluded my thoughts and painted the world with them; its like i thought and believed X and thus the world reflected x, eh anyways i guess that "immaturity" or period of my life is over and i should rather try to be more open to any kinds of thoughts or anything...
Guess i tricked myself a bit here cuz idkf what to write here really? philosophy? dont i already have some thought stuff on my writings page? well yeah, but what about this? perhaps i could add some fun memes or interesting thoughts or quotes,,, buuut that would perhaps take a whole page...Eh, guess i shouldnt stress about to share everything and all kinds of stuff.